Any style photography, anywhere.

Humon Photography provides any style of photography, anywhere.

Commercial to personal, aerial to underwater.  Services include analog and digital capture;  digital editing, retouching / restoration, graphics, effects;  traditional and alternative processes, including fusing in glass, firing on ceramic and steel.  'pH' for short (photography Humon) is a dba of Peter Schmidt, an artist and photographer based in the Portland Oregon area
telephone: 503.647.1234  type address into your mail program (Be sure to put something recognizable in subject lines.)

Analog and digital photography.Traditional and alternative processes. ©  Humon Photography, All Rights Reserved  ·  site by type address into your mail program
<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color="ffffff" size="1"> <span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2px; color: #ffffff; visibility: hidden;"> Alternative imaging includes vitreous enamels, porcelain enamel, and screen printing of ceramic frit. Principal camera used for product photography, fashion, portrait, events, boudoir, maternity, glamour, intimate (straight, gay, lesbian), artistic nude poses, is a Canon 5D." </span></font>